Monday, December 20, 2010

When I was a child, I thought like a child

And now that I’m grown I still do

The part of me that’s young will always love you

And the tears of my youth

Are still salty with truth

Even though I am decades from there

I’ve got war scars and battle paint, but inside I fear

The monster ‘neath the bed still gives me a start

And you’ll always be the first to have broken my heart

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Quick Quick

If I could be there then I would, if I could I would drive but I can’t so break my heart--take apart all the pieces and keep one for you.

If I was there then I would hold you till the morning and let you go so I could see your smile and the twinkle in your eye for just a tiny little while.

Quick quick slow slow, life’s a dance and this is just the pause between the steps.

Quick quick, slow slow, if I could walk there then I would and we could talk the night away. I would laugh at all the jokes you ever told because I’m bought, off the shelf, I’m sold.

But I can’t so break my heart take apart all the pieces-- keep one for you.

Quick, quick, slow slow describes when I’m with you, then when I’m not.

But if could I’d be there and if you could you’d be here, so our rhythm is still in time quick quick. Slow slow…quick quick, slow slow…

Friday, September 10, 2010



I've never done this before, but I've had a request to advertise SnapIt, a screen capture tools, which looks very handy. If I get a chance to try it I will post a review, if you've already tried it, post a review here. There is also a free giveaway for readers who create a review in any online format and email the link to Thanks

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The great ones dare, not just to dream,
But walk on paths unseen

Friday, June 4, 2010

urban night

in this night there is a fire
hot like tears and blood
not yet spilt

two men a at a terminal

_________train comes

one gets on
the second turns, walks
___________________the stairs

into the cool night air
not today, not today...
trudge, trudge, trudge
his heel rolls a stone out of the way
it hits a CAN
he tenses

from the window on the right
a couple making love

one foot follows the other
streetwalker calls out "are you lonely"

it's not her he wants to taste
there is a certain door
he needs
as he passes the dark hole _________of another station...

more trains there
but not today.
bums urinating on the

from memory
one turn, a few steps
turn again at the
electricity hums through the wires
by the post where the old dance stops
damn THIS night, THAT train
door opens before he knocks
like she always does

Pool (from HS years)

She stands 5’ll in a pink bathing suit
One size too big so it’s a little baggy.
Tall and slim, wearing no swim cap
Because she hates the way they look.
Hair pushed hastily back
Held in place by her ears.
Quickly she climbs the ladder
Fingers embracing cold metal.
Pulls herself up
To stand
On the white diving board.
Walks steady, slowly to the end
Toes grip the edge
Hard, so she can feel it.
The water, clear and smooth, below.
Signs read 12ft
But she can’t be sure from up here
Looking up she bounces 1,2,3 times
Testing her limits
Arms out, eyes closed
She pushes off
And feels the water getting closer.
Eyes closed, hands together
She breaks the surface, no splash.
The water opens to accept her.
Rising to the air she gasps
And swims to the ladder.
She will do this
At least five times more.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Love, your love has poisoned me
And you have used me brutally
The infection started in my eyes
Spread down my neck, like a shiver--
Down my thighs
Up into my heart
Through my every part
My veins are full of poison.

Love, your love has poisoned me
Weakened, you are all I see
Dazed, I am euphoric
Your love has made me parasitic
Starved, you're all I crave
Your love will put me in the grave
My appetites, my mind, this body
Are under your disease.

Love, your love has poisoned me
The only cure is separation
Which would kill me with its desperation.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Song Lyrics

You can tell me, little girl
All your fears, you can tell me
Little girl, why your eyes
Fill with tears
You can tell me
Little girl, why you scream all night long
You can tell me
Little girl
Little girl
And I'll come help you fight
It's a far far trip from here
This place they call happiness
But if we try, we can get there
Little girl
Before they give away all the smiles
We'll get one for me
And two for you
And that'll be
Enough for we
Little girl...little girl

Friday, March 26, 2010

Only Fiction

man is not meant to be a god
which is why he can kill and not create
the power of death is a lie
intoxicating like wine
for a moment you are free
limitless, seamless,
but blood, like wine, wears off
until there is only death
that you cannot end, your power
is powerless and you hate it
it reminds you that you are worthless
fragile, you can fall apart
the poisoned apple has not made you divine
but maybe the next one will
to kill again will set you free
and so I do
I touch heaven as it turns into hell

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Numbers of US-for my grandparents' anniversary

The Greeks had 4 types of love
Yours, like most, started with 1 or 2
Then gradually grew to all
Necessary for the 60 years of you and he
21,900 days of unity
2 lives turned into 29
9 children became 14—
Grandchildren, resulted in 6—
Equals the sum of
A love story begun
6 decades ago
Off the coast
Of 1 continent away
On a 2-island nation
Population 636,000, as of 1950
Funny, that he should find she
That these 2 became 1
Under the Trinity of Holy Ghost, Father, Son—
Granter of innumerable blessings
To bear this pair from day 1 to eternity.
We're not as related as before, you and me
I am a synthesis of multiple ethnicities
From the way that I walk
To the way that I talk
You are my brother--
Down to the very last strand
Of your DNA
But I am mixed, and you are not
For eight years we shared a classroom
Sometimes a bedroom, the experiences
Of our trans-cultural childhood—
The stories of our heritage.
Then you forgot.
The foods, you grew to dislike.
The mother/father lands, you didn't know.
I am not American, and I am,
But you always are.
You have been this and then that
While I am always those and these
"I am Mexican," you might say
"I am not just," I would think
"Don't you remember," I might ask
"Remember what?" you would answer
That Tamar of Genesis is our mother
And Judah is our father
That our great-step-grandmother was a Trini witch
That Zapata was our comrade
That your blood is European, your skin Indian
While your hair is French, your eyes Chinese
"I am me" you would say
Not wanting to be taken apart
"And I am me, but these are us, "I would know
Liking the pieces
"We’re just brown," you'd say
"Not just," I'd answer.
Which is why we are less related now
Than then
Because I am mixed
And you are not.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mixed Girls

Trace my skin:
White and black and brown—
Indescribable, I am all the colors in between.

Look in my eyes:
Slanted, big and small—
They’re all the shapes of round.

Feel my hair:
It’s curly, kinky, nappy
Sleek and straight and soft.

Kiss my lips:
Full and wide, small and thin.

Run your hands—
Down the sides of my pear-shaped,
Hourglass, will-o’-the-wisp hips.

I am tall and short, old and young
Beautiful in my own way.

Wrap me in your arms
Embrace the history
Of the seven continents of me.

Don’t ask—
Don’t let the details matter.
For now, just let it be me and you.