Tuesday, April 13, 2021

My House Remembers

My house is old 
So old it remembers when miners would pan for gold 
So old the glass is wavery, like rainbows 
So old the kitchen stove glows 
Warm and cozy 

So old there are secret spaces 
So old it remembers many many faces 
My house remembers when it was little 
And it grew room by room 

My house is so old it has bricks made by hand 
And wood from giant trees from this land And metal forged by fire, shaped with hammer and hands 

My house remembers when I was born When my mother was born 
When my grandmother was born 

My house remembers 
Because there are newspapers in the walls And treasures buried underneath 

My house is so old
It used to be the only house 
My house remembers when there were no streets, very few cars, and many gardens

My house is so old 
But it remembers how to keep us warm in the winter 
And cool in the summer 
It remembers how to store food in the cellar And memories in the attic. 

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